Shanghai Star. 2001-07-12

In these dog days, people feel hot and sweat a lot. To eliminate the heat inside and replenish the water lost, beans and gourds are the best foods.

Summer is the season of various kinds of beans full of protein including red beans, green beans, cowpeas, hyacinth beans and horse beans. The intake of such beans not only provides enough nutrition, it helps relieve the dampness of organs inside.

Cook the 100 grams of green beans or horse beans with 500 grams of rice into porridge. Or just cook beans in soup and add crystal sugar.

Wax gourd, watermelon, cucumber and towel gourd are full of water and classified as cool food. They can clear away the fire in the body and slake the thirst. Many kinds of gourds promote urination, by which inside heat can be relieved. Prepare 300 grams of towel gourd and two eggs. Peel the gourd, cut into pieces and put into water. When the water is boiling, add eggs.

Sunny Hu


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