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China Daily Shanghai & Delta Edition
China Daily Shanghai & Delta Edition was launched in January 2006. This comprehensive English-language newspaper published by China Daily focuses on the political, economic, cultural and social news in Shanghai and East China. At present, China Daily Shanghai & Delta Edition is published every Tuesday and Friday.

The Front Page is devoted to well-planned analytical stories on the major events in Shanghai and East China. Large photos of high quality are a feature on this page.

The Metro Page provides in-depth reports on the latest official policies relevant to businesses, as well as social news and metro briefs.

The Company Page features stories on the production, operation, management and investment of domestic and overseas companies in Shanghai and East China, with particular stress on the overseas business operation of Chinese-funded companies with international influence, as well as on the performance and latest developments in the product offerings, operation and internal management of listed companies.

The People Page brings stories about entrepreneurs, government officials and celebrities we hope will be of interest to our readers.
The Shanghai & Delta Edition is published together with China Daily in East China.
Shanghai Star
When officially launched in the fourth quarter of 1992, the Shanghai Star was the People's Republic's first local comprehensive English-language newspaper published on the Chinese mainland.

The new Shanghai Star, launched in January 2006, contains 16 pages, including Cover Story, Expat Community, Taiwanese Community, Columns, Lifestyle/Fashion, Feature/Culture/Health, Flip Side, Suzhou/Hangzhou, Dining, Travel, Listing and Nightlife. Appearing weekly, the newspaper covers major social topics, cultural phenomena, entertainment, travel and international exchange activities.

The Shanghai Star targets foreign business institutions, foreign-funded companies, foreign diplomatic missions, foreign experts, international students in China, as well as overseas tourists and business people on visits. Its target readers also include those in China's institutions engaged in foreign-related functions, foreign trade companies, businesses, hotels, travel agencies, domestic and international air-travel, higher learning institutions, libraries, research institutions and English learners.
The Shanghai Star is published every Thursday, priced at 1 yuan. Free copies of the Shanghai Star are provided to China Daily subscribers. Subscription to the newspaper only is also available.
Shanghai Star
Shanghai and East China Headquarters
20F Huaihai Building,200 Huaihai Zhonglu Shanghai 200021,China



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